Online Branding

by Jamak on August 12, 2009

So what does it really take to have a successfulbusiness online? Whether you have been building a business offline for a long time or you have never owned a business period the fact is that the Internet is an incredible resource for your growth. Like anything else though, there is a good way and there is a ‘not so good’ way…

It really comes down to how you brand yourself on the internet. What do I mean by this you ask? It is pretty simple, when people come looking for you (and the product / service) that you provide through a search engine or by directly typing in your URL, do you come across as an expert? Do your potential clients trust you? Branding online is about manifesting yourself as the expert that you are.

So how do I brand myself is the next logical question that you should be asking if you have been following…

The answer to this question is simple yet not very easy. You see one of the things that we love and hate about Internet technology is that once something is up there, it is never going anywhere. In other words, every single thing that you put out there is forever representing you. So here is what I will leave you with for now:

Whether you are using Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vi-Net, etc.), blogging, writing articles, or participating in forum discussions be mindful of what you are putting out there. Does it represent the ‘brand’ that you are hoping for? Is it how you would like to be viewed by your potential prospects and clients.

I hope this critical information helps you move your business forward. Please leave me your information so that I can send you free tips and tricks about how to brand and market online.

Visit me on Google Plus Jamak Golshani

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